Frequently Asked Questions -
How do I find or get into RP? The best place to start, is in the square of Dragondale, this is the area that you recall to after you are no longer able to get into the newbie area, if you've been to the newbie coliseum. There, you can interact with anyone of your liking, ask questions, get directions, learn about the realm, it's history, any major happenings. Be warned though, like in the real world, not everyone that you meet will be all warm and fuzzy, and not all information you'll be given will be the truth, or all of the information that it is out there to gain. The truth and rp, can be found, you just have to seek it. Be it through other players, NPC's (omigosh! Those mobs aren't just for killing?) and little things that can be found in areas via room descriptions, items, or mobs themselves in some cases. If you wish to roleplay with an NPC, simply send in an immrequest to immortal, and the one who is in charge of the area will pop into it and play it for you, or hand it over to a noble or ruler, depending on who is in charge. To see who is in charge of specific areas, type help empire_list.
What are DA Tokens? DA Tokens are rewards that players collect and can use to buy the items in the Divine Armory. The Divine Armory has things like, godly armor and weapons that were made by the divine themselves, with the powers of their domains, there are also wands, potions, a player can buy a place for a store, and have it built. Players are able to buy keeps, which are a 50vnum house, true hero pets, that you can take into battle with you, and much much more. Immortal's hand out DA Tokens to players for global RP's. Do not ask a noble to reward you, if you've participated in a global, your name will be taken by a noble, and noted in an immrequest to immortal, if no immortal was monitoring the RP. If you are not online, you will be ploaded and given it when they are given out to everyone else. Do not try to say you were not given one, unless you're certain, we have ways of checking logs to make sure.
How do I remove someone as a spouse? Marriage here, like in the real world, can be a tricky thing, at least when it comes to removing a spouse, especially if property has been shared. We've seen our share of messy breaks, and because of those, we have an unbending set of things that happen when there is an ic split, be it for ooc reasons, ic reasons, it's the same regardless. There are no more than 20 vnum houses, there are 50vnum keeps, estates, villages, whatever, but a house is never larger than 20 vnums, for this reason, if an ic couple, shares their vnums, each will have their own block of ten, no matter who got all the quest points for the deeds. If the couple ever splits, and both names have been set as owners, the house is divided equally, unless both parties agree that one or the other should have it all. The property is split, no matter how long the other party has been gone, if it is a case of them not logging in. No 10 vnum houses can be co-owned, however in the case of not logging in, the one who requests the divorce due to no logins by the spouse, they will be given ownership of the house. The couple will need a divorce decree from the quest mistress, and notify an immortal via a note sent through immrequest, The immortal will then see if there is a property split involved, take the decree and grant the divorce, removing each other as spouses in the code.
How do I remove someone who is a slave? To remove yourself as a slave, is pretty easy, simply type: safeword collar confirm To remove someone who hasn't logged in for a while as your slave, you will need to seek Immortal assistance. Send an immrequest to Immortal, and ask for their aid.
How to I become a ruler of a kingdom? Ruling an empire is not a thing to take lightly. Rulers have obligations, those obligations are to help send Role Play out into the realm, be it carnivals, festivals, trade, alliances, seeking items of importance to them, whatever. It's a job, and they are compensated by giving them an area and the resources to use as they wish, as long as it's used productively and not with malicious intent. Because things can go very badly, in the case of wars or invasions, we are picky about who is allowed to rule. You can't just decide to rule an empire and demand it, and expect it to be given to you, it's earned. The way it's earned is through your behavior here on the mud, toward staff, toward other players, and your involvement with global rp's in the past. Now, you don't have to be here years, to be a ruler, but you do have to show that you care about the mud, and would like to see it's continued success. To apply to be a ruler, read help empire-application carefully. Once you have done that, send in your Immrequest to Immortal with the information that it asks you to include, and the staff will review it and get back to you with an answer. To see which empires are open for rule, type help empire-list.
Can I have special powers? The answer to that, is if it is not in your spell list, prayer list, or skill list, then you are unable to do it. -IF-, and this is a very very big
if, you feel that your character absolutely has to be able to do something that is not in the list, then you can send in a request for the approval of that ability via immrequest to RP and they will review it. However, be prepared for a no, and do not, use the ability in RP unless you have approval from RP -before hand- Using the ability without RP councils consent does not help your cause if you want it approved, it will result in an automatic denial of it.
Can I have special weapons or armor? The answer is YES! There are all sorts of ways to gain above average, one of a kind, or extreme types of weapons and armor/clothes for your character. You can quest at any of the quest mistresses/masters in any of the areas that have one in place, and earn a custom token. The custom token can be used to create any weapon, item, gear, pet, that your imagination can think of, as long as it stays within the theme of the mud and follows the rules in the help custom-restring file. But! Customs are not the only way to gain nifty little things, special items that have more mod points than customs have been put into specific areas around the realm. These areas are dangerous, and need a group of people just to survive it, but the items in them are... marvelous! And you can restring most of them to give them a more personalized look for your character. There are also the DT's (Divine Tokens) that you earn by participating in global RP's. With these you can
buy items that have the largest number of mod points in the realm, and it is the only place, where you can find things that will give you immunities. Nifty huh?!
Someone is bothering me and I don't want them to, how do I make them stop? Sadly, sometimes this happens, and if the person insists on continuing after
you've asked them to stop, or if something is happening that you find unacceptable, then type ignore <and the players name> omitting the <> when typing the name. This will prevent you from having to see anything that they say or do. If the problem continues, send a note to ADMIN with a log, and your concerns. You may never know what has been said or done, as we do not announce law issues and how they were resolved, but be assured, it will be dealt with.
Can I give my coins and items to my wife/husband? It's a different alt and not mine! Those who are living together, be it roommates, brothers, sisters, married
couples significant others or their dogs, cats, spiders, etc, are not able to share things other than food, drink, and items that have no, none, zero, nadda stats. Giving him/her/it anything else, is a violation of the rules. If it is tried, sirens will sound, bells will go off, and the staff gets this blinding message to let them know. So please, don't try it, okay? Thanks!
How do I see how many DT's I have? Easy! Type worth and it will pull up the following screen for your character, your's won't look exactly the same of course, but they all have the same template.
-========================= Worth sheet for Sheylynn ========================-
Gold: 14 Silver:44499692 Experience: 526500 (1000 exp to level).
-=========================== Account and Hometown ==========================-
Account name: not set Your home town is: Dragondale
-================================ Condition ================================-
Hunger Status: A little hungry. Drunk Status: Sober.
Thirst Status: A little thirsty. You are not tired at all.
Lives left: 2
-================================ Misc Stats ===============================-
Wimpy status: 0 Panic status: 116 Restrings: 0
Quest points: 698 Divine Tokens: 49
You are a noble with a diplomacy of 50 and have currently 1457133 votes,
Your autovote setting is currently at 1000.
Experience needed per level: 2500 XpTNL: 1000 RPS: 562649 CP: 40
-============================ Guild and Religion ===========================-
Guild: None
Religion: None
-========================== Councils and Security ==========================-
Security: 9 Councils: code law realm rp headclan headrealm headrp admin builder trellantalk pbc headbuilder
-======================== Restrictions and Penalties =======================-
-============================== Miscellaneous ==============================-
You are speaking in drow.
You will be affected by boons.
You will accept kill quests.
You have explored 85158 rooms, which is 107.863% of the existing world.
You'll find the number of DT's that you have under Misc Stats, next to your Quest Points.
Where are the best places to level and how do I get there? As of the time this was written, TG has over 400 areas for folks to mob and rp in. Some are places that are more RP inclined, and only a handful were made for leveling. To see which are the best leveling areas, type help areas this will show you how the areas were set up and organized, then type areas by itself to find the area best suited for you. Areas are also sorted according to the level ranges of the mobs that are in them, not necessarily the level ranges of the players going in, or their safety. Always try to stock up on potions, scrolls, and pills for just about anything you can think of, as many of the leveling areas have aggressive mobs.With the introduction of Trellan's AI code, many of the mobs throughout the realm will autoadjust to your level. All the mobs on Ariandor, Nersa, Azure, Hikaru and Samadnar have been converted over to the AI system so far. Just watch out for those pesky guards! They will protect what you attack and go after you.
How do I buy a house? Homes, homes! A place where you can have privacy and only those who you add to your invite list can enter. A perfectly logical thing to want, and we've provided it for you. There's lots of information on homes in the help housing file, but basically, it's as simple as locating an area that has houses that have been pre-made for folks to buy, selecting one that is available and just walk into an empty home (if you can, if you can't, it's owned already), and type 'home
cost' to see how much it costs, and then 'home buy' to purchase it. If you have a home in an area and no longer want it, you can also type 'home sell' and get your money back from the purchase. If you wish to build your own home, that can be done through the purchase of a house deed via the quest mistress.
How do I build my own house? There is now automatic quest deed redemption in order to get your quest house purchased or expanded, and set up for building. After you buy a deed from the questmaster just type either 'redeem deed new' to make a new house, or 'redeem deed <#>' to expand house number <#> from your 'houses' list. The house will be added to you, you will be added to the build list for the area, the first room will be created for you and all the other little things that go along with new quest houses. Instead of forcing new house owners to learn the entirety of OLC and all the technicalities that go along with it, 'houseedit' is a condensed version specifically written to only show, and only allow, those things that are permissible in quest houses. I have played around in it and find it fairly easy to use. The
commands are all there in the 'commands' list, but there are some that have expanded commands under them. In houseedit, if you type 'exits' or 'objects' you will see the extended commands available under each of those commands. The 'exits' set of commands will allow you to dig, link, and set things for your exits. The 'objects' command is slightly more complicated and comes in two parts, the top commands, which allow you to add, list, delete, create, place and unplace objects, and the bottom commands which allow you to set the fields on your objects much like you would in normal OLC. To make a new object and edit it, type 'object add' then 'object list'
to have the code repopulate your house data, then 'object edit <#>' to edit that object. Thereafter you may type commands like 'obj short a silly little couch'. To add the couch to the room just stand where you want it and type 'obj place <#>' using the number from your 'object list'. No more need for messy vnums and clunky reset code. if you make a mistake, just type 'obj unplace couch' and the couch will be removed from the room and the reset deleted automatically. When you are done editing an object type 'obj done'. When your house is completed, instead of sending an immrequest to have it checked, just type 'requestapproval' from within houseedit and a note will be written to the imms for you, and your house will be flagged as waiting for approval.
Can't I just build my own kingdom and run it? This answer to this, is a big fat...... Maybe! A lot of things factor into it. Is it something that we already have,
the players standing in the mud, are they active, are they kind, do they follow the rules, and so on. If you wish to build your own kingdom and be a ruler of it, then see
help empire-application, read it carefully, and include -everything- that it asks for in your immrequest when you send it to immortal.
Why do rulers have to be approved? To put it very simply, ruling a kingdom, empire, village, is not as easy as it might appear at a glance or from a distance. There is a lot, a whole lot of work involved. There will also be times when there is war, an uprising, and threat to remove rulers from their place of power, just like there would be in the real world. The player that rules, has to have the ability to take it all in stride, and know, that it isn't personal, it's a game of tactic, and has to be the sort, that isn't going to get all bent out of shape, cry foul, and generally make the entire mud miserable should something they don't like happen. That is why they have to be approved before hand. If a player is known to try to go around the rules, then this player would not play fair, and those who follow the rules, are left to suffer miserably, and their online experience just went down the crapper, including those who are simply innocent bystanders who will be forced to listen to all the arguing that will surely be had over it. Those who have a history with LAW, are most likely not going to be approved. Neither will those who are belligerent to the staff or our players, or those who are snide, rude, and constantly putting down the mud. If you wish to rule, then follow the golden rule, you know, that whole, do unto others and all. As well as the rules that have been put into place to make this a fun environment for -everyone- Be active in global RP, if you're a player who sits and says that there is never RP going on, and don't make any efforts to get involved, or come up with your lines or character progression, then it's a pretty safe bet, that you will have a pretty hard time coming up with the line requirement that rulers have in order to keep their kingdoms, and lose it anyway. And remember... Those who have good manners are sexy!
Who are the newbie helpers? Newbie helpers are Staff, Nobles, and players who are here to give support, answers and encouragement when it's needed. If you have questions, you can type question <text> and someone will respond with an answer. If you see a staff member on the who screen, we encourage you to type otell <imms name> <text you wish to send> omitting any of the <> in place of the text. If you'd like to become a newbie helper, send an immrequest to immortal. You can also type wizlist, and anyone that is named on the list and shows when you type who, can help you.
This magic system is confusing help! Yes it is! Even to us sometimes! The magic system here, can be confusing, but there are help files in place that will aid in understanding. help magic help magic-system and help spinfo are good places to start, and follow the links at the bottom of each help file as well, if you're still confused after you've read those, don't be alarmed, the magic system is getting a complete overhaul, and as soon as it is in place, things will be much easier! Until then the question channel is your friend, and don't be shy about asking an Immortal either. We're here to help!
How do I see all the commands I can use? To see all the commands that you have available to you, make sure (if you're a builder) that you are out of any editors first, and then type commands by itself. It will pull up a list of sorted commands for you. To see what each command does, type help <command name> for a list of the most commonly used and nifty commands that players like, type help features. If you're a builder, typing commands in any editor will pull up a list of commands that can be used in that specific editor.
Where do I find the speedwalks? Speed walks are divided up according to continent, moon, or realm, and further divided by levels in each to make things as easy for players to find as possible. To see a list of speedwalks, help speedwalks is a good place to start, then just follow each link at the bottom of the help file to the others. To see how to store a speedwalk, type help storing-speedwalks and to see all the symbols for them, so you can create your own, type help speedwalking.
I love the colors on this! How do I see what colors were used? Once you discover this little secret you will wonder how you ever lived without it! It's wonderful! It's fantastic! It's raw! That's right RAW is the command that you use to see what colors were used to create whatever it is that you're looking at. Raw who will show all the color codes used in the who, raw look, are the color codes used in the room, and on the obj's that you see in the room, plus any mobs and/or players that might be in it when you type look. raw robe will show you all the colors used on the robe that might have taken your fancy, or raw look self will show you all the colors used in your description and the items that you're wearing. If you can see it, you can RAW it. How kewl is that!
How do I see a list of the race/classes and their stats? Typing raceinfo will pull up all the races that we have available, along with their stat modifiers, creation points, and max hitpoint count. Typing classinfo <race> will give a list of the classes available to that race, and the base xp for them to start out with.
What are these relics and shards that I keep hearing about? Relics are weapons that can be bought at any quest master/mistress in the realm. Relic weapons grow as you grow, leveling with you and gaining points that can be distributed onto the relic, adding hit points, mana points, whatever you'd like. Typing help relics will give you a detailed breakdown. Shards are powers, that you can add to your relic. See help relic-shards.
Can I edit my house after it's linked in? If it was a deed that was used to build it, then... Yes! But here's the catch. Once your home is inspected and linked into the realm, you and whoever helped you build it, will be removed from the build list. We like to keep things organized and up to date, and there have been a few in the past
who went through and changed things, after they were fixed or inspected, to be something that would have never passed inspection to begin with. So, if you wish to edit your home after it is finished, and linked in, then it will be temporally unavailable for playing in, until all the edits have been completed, and it has been reinspected. We apologize if this upsets anyone, but, take it out on those who abused our trust and kindness and forced us to put this policy in place. Homes that were pre-built in areas and bought, can not be edited. Send an immrequest to immortal, if you would like to edit your home, and the head builder will unlink it, and set it so that you can make your edits.
I was spammed! Now I have to scroll to read what was said. Oh contraire mon frere! Thanks to our most awesome coder, we have this neat command called replayroom. Simply type replayroom to see anything that has been said over the last, few says and emotes, or type replay to see your tells. Don't you just love it?!
Can I build my own area? There is currently a freeze on building new areas.
Can I edit my area after it's linked in? Let's see.. yes, yes, and.. Yes! We encourage areas being updated, enlarged, parts destroyed and what not, for the sake of story evolution, progression, to show changes, battles, you name it. During the time the area is being edited, it will be flagged OLC and made unplayable. In the case of areas that are heavily traveled to by players, the builder will have seven days to complete the editing, or the head builder will go in, look at it, and determine if the area can be un-flagged, and just keep the parts being worked on flagged to not allow players within it until complete. A builder has a time period of only thirty days, to complete any edits, so be sure that you can complete them in that time frame before you begin. To request editing your area send an immrequest to immortal with the areas name and area number, along with the brief explanation of edits that you wish to make.
Can I include a personal room/home for my character in my area? Some of our players in the past considered this a cheat to getting around having to earn a house deed, and thought it was favoritism to allow someone to do this, so for this reason, a player can not build their personal home in the area they are working on. They can have an office, a study, or something along those lines, but the room must be left open for anyone to walk into and no owner or invites can be set up on it. My suggestion, include a housing district, with all the homes being the same, and purchase one for yourself.
How do I make the objs and mobs talk or interact with players? This, is a tricky, tricky thing, if you are unfamilar with mprogs or oprogs. Mprogs are what are written and placed on mobs to have them react, ignore, give, take something from another player, or move them from one place to another. oprogs can display neat messages whenever a person wields the item, or wears it. If it can be coded into an mprog, the mob or obj can do it, given the right flags are available and used. The tricky part, is that a mistake in the coding of the mprog, can and often will disable the mprog and make it unusable, or worse, cause repeated crashes in the mud. If you do not
know how to code, or write mprogs, the best way to learn is to ask someone who is handy with the little buggers to show you. If you're a little rusty, and need refreshed, see help mprog, help ifhelp, help if_checks, and follow any links at the bottom of each help file that are needed. Also, if you're scared to do mprogs or just do not wish to mess with them you can use the mobemotes or the mobsays in the medit menu. Type help mobsay to learn more.
Why can't I do that, I sent in a request! This is something that occurs more frequently than people realize and is something that the staff has run utterly, totally, and completely out of patience with. Sending in an immrequest, is not the same as having RP approval for something that you wish your character to be able to do, or for
the concept that you wish to have for it. The same holds true for anyone who attempts to do anything that might remotely hint at breaking the rules, or making it appear as if favoritism is being played. No one person on this mud is any better than anyone else, no one person is above the rules. If you do not have RP Councils approval to do something out of the norm, then it can not be done. Period. Any argument on this, will result in your character being nuked. Problem solved.
I want to be an IMM too! How do I become one? Our staff is chosen from the player base, and we have a pecking order that we go by. Namely, when the time comes to choose another staff member, we look at the Helpers first. Why? Because they already had to pass a screening process by staff to get there, which means, they are most likely people who do not have a history with LAW, like the mud, are kind to the players, helpful to newbies, are firm without being hateful or mean, and very respectful on the whole. We -love- this type of person on our staff, and we will covet them greatly! They're a perfect starting point. If no Helpers are available, or chosen for whatever reason, then we look to our rulers. These folks have also had to go through a screening process. We will then look at our players. So, if it is your desire to be an IMM, then it's a process by which the position is earned, through your own want for the mud to succeed.
There's a typo in this room desc/obj/mob, fix it! Announcing a typo, bug, error, or disgruntlement with a quest issue, over OOC, is not going to get it fixed right then, and more often than not, the members of staff who take care of those issues, may not even be on to see it. So we have these little things to report issues with, type help bug, and help typo to learn more. If it's a serious issue, send a copy of the log to Code, and staff will see to the issue as soon as they are able.
There's a bug here, can I abuse it? How very naughty of you! Before you even think about abusing a bug, please read help bug-glitch-abuse and type help bug to learn how to report it.
But the rules don't specifically state... We uphold the spirit of the rule/law, rather than the exact wording. You're here, you can read and write, if you're smart enough to try to pick at a rule to get around it, then you're smart enough to understand the spirit of it. If you are told to stop, stop. If you are told no, no. By logging in and playing,
you agree to play by our rules. Our mud, our rules. If you don't like them, you are free to leave, and find another place to play. No one is forcing you to stay. There is a zero tolerance on this, and if you attempt to push it, you will be jailed, or nuked, or banned. End of discussion. Keep to the spirit of it, and you'll do fine. When in doubt, ask before you do it, or, don't do it.
What is a custom token? A custom token is a token that can be exchanged for personalized gear, weapons, clothing, armor, or pets. Please see help custom-restring for more.
How do I get out of the newbie school? Well, if you're not up for going through it, and think that you're ready to advance into the big scary world that is Tirradyn, then you can leave by recalling. This will put you into the square of Dragondale, which is the neutral empire in the realm and harbors no ill will toward most anyone. You're, somewhat, safe there, save a pickpocket, or surely warrior, or even a feisty mage may be resting there as well. There you can look at a sign, that displays a map of the city if you ever lose the one you received at creation. From the square, if you go up and either east or west, you go into the training rooms. Here you can train your stats, gain skills or realms or spheres, practice the same. If you go north, rather than east or west, you will enter into the coliseum. This is the best place to start mobbing, and
the chance of death is much slimmer than anywhere else, at least until you're between the levels of 5 and 10.
Why was <insert player name> jailed/banned? That is something that you should be asking the player, not staff, if you really wish to pry into their personal business. Staff's policy is not to spread gossip, or inform everyone of everyone else's business. Now, the version you may get may be a version of a partial truth, but honestly, it's
not anyone's concern other than the parties specifically involved. Our wish, is that we maintain an environment for everyone to have fun in. Where they can be challenged and entertained, or entertain themselves via productive means. There's no room for drama here, unless it's in a storyline.
How do I turn OOC off? To turn any channel off, simply type the channel name by itself. No off after is needed. Type help -channels to see all the channels and their uses available to players.
How do I turn off logins? Typing info login will turn off the announcement that displays when players log in or out. Typing info level turns off the announcements that show when people level. Typing them again turns them back on. Typing info by itself, shows you what you have turned on or off, and the syntax of the command.
Is there a way to turn hints off? Yes! type hints off To turn it on, type, hints on That's it!
Can I have someone help me build my house/area? Certainly! Though keep in mind that anything that should not be in your house, or any errors, fall on your shoulders alone and will need to be fixed. So it's up to you to keep your helper honest. Just send an immrequest to immortal (or the head builder) and they will be given access to your home or area.
Can me & <insert name> combine our quest points to get a house deed? Sorry, but the answer to this is no. No sharing or combining of quest points. It causes way too much drama if people get angsty with each other, so it's just been made policy. Please do not assure us that this will never happen to you, we've heard it all before. Make love! Not war!
Can more than one person own a house? We've tried this, many times, and sadly, sometimes we get pulled into drama because of it. So, when it comes to house deeds, no ten vnum homes can be co-owned, the person that earned the deed and gave it to the imm, is the person that will be put on the home as the owner. In the case of 20 vnum homes, up to two can own the home, and it will be divided equally should something happen. Placing a person on an invite list, will allow them to enter and exit as they please, and the ownership should not matter.
I don't like this area/command/effect, it needs to change! If you wish to see something changed, or have an idea on how to improve it, sen it via a note to Immortal. Do not, put down the code, we love our coder, we will get angry at you for this. Do not put down the mud, we love our players, our builders, and our staff, we will get angry with you, or worse, ban you. Good manners is good manners, and you don't walk into a place, thinking that all are there to serve you and bow down to your every whim. There is a reason for everything that is put into place, if you find them so bad, that you wish to see everything change, and do nothing but rant about the code, the areas, the staff and it's players, then perhaps this is not the place for you.
I just bought a house, but wasn't given a key to it, how come? With the owner room flag, keys have become obsolete. They were also a pain to try to recover, if a player vanished and their home was resold, they were able to walk in and out of the house, much to the new owners dismay. Plus, it allows builders to use the object vnums that would have been used for house keys, for other things, like furniture, weapon, armor, potions etc. Once an owner has been set on the room, they can add or remove people from their invite list. Any who is on the invite list can enter, those who are not, cant. There is no need for an owner to be set in every room of the home, this can be extremely mundane and tedious for someone who has to stop rping, enter room, add person to invite, exit room, lead person into the room, and so on, so only rooms where there is an exit onto the main realm will have an owner set on them.
How do I add or remove someone from my invite list? To add, or remove, the same command is used, invite <insert player name here>
How do I turn on/off the extend colors? To enable the extended colors that are very frequently used all over the mud, type color mode html To return to normal settings, type color mode ansi
How do I un-ignore someone? Typing ignore <players name> will both, add, and remove them from your ignore list.
What are DA Tokens? DA Tokens are rewards that players collect and can use to buy the items in the Divine Armory. The Divine Armory has things like, godly armor and weapons that were made by the divine themselves, with the powers of their domains, there are also wands, potions, a player can buy a place for a store, and have it built. Players are able to buy keeps, which are a 50vnum house, true hero pets, that you can take into battle with you, and much much more. Immortal's hand out DA Tokens to players for global RP's. Do not ask a noble to reward you, if you've participated in a global, your name will be taken by a noble, and noted in an immrequest to immortal, if no immortal was monitoring the RP. If you are not online, you will be ploaded and given it when they are given out to everyone else. Do not try to say you were not given one, unless you're certain, we have ways of checking logs to make sure.
How do I remove someone as a spouse? Marriage here, like in the real world, can be a tricky thing, at least when it comes to removing a spouse, especially if property has been shared. We've seen our share of messy breaks, and because of those, we have an unbending set of things that happen when there is an ic split, be it for ooc reasons, ic reasons, it's the same regardless. There are no more than 20 vnum houses, there are 50vnum keeps, estates, villages, whatever, but a house is never larger than 20 vnums, for this reason, if an ic couple, shares their vnums, each will have their own block of ten, no matter who got all the quest points for the deeds. If the couple ever splits, and both names have been set as owners, the house is divided equally, unless both parties agree that one or the other should have it all. The property is split, no matter how long the other party has been gone, if it is a case of them not logging in. No 10 vnum houses can be co-owned, however in the case of not logging in, the one who requests the divorce due to no logins by the spouse, they will be given ownership of the house. The couple will need a divorce decree from the quest mistress, and notify an immortal via a note sent through immrequest, The immortal will then see if there is a property split involved, take the decree and grant the divorce, removing each other as spouses in the code.
How do I remove someone who is a slave? To remove yourself as a slave, is pretty easy, simply type: safeword collar confirm To remove someone who hasn't logged in for a while as your slave, you will need to seek Immortal assistance. Send an immrequest to Immortal, and ask for their aid.
How to I become a ruler of a kingdom? Ruling an empire is not a thing to take lightly. Rulers have obligations, those obligations are to help send Role Play out into the realm, be it carnivals, festivals, trade, alliances, seeking items of importance to them, whatever. It's a job, and they are compensated by giving them an area and the resources to use as they wish, as long as it's used productively and not with malicious intent. Because things can go very badly, in the case of wars or invasions, we are picky about who is allowed to rule. You can't just decide to rule an empire and demand it, and expect it to be given to you, it's earned. The way it's earned is through your behavior here on the mud, toward staff, toward other players, and your involvement with global rp's in the past. Now, you don't have to be here years, to be a ruler, but you do have to show that you care about the mud, and would like to see it's continued success. To apply to be a ruler, read help empire-application carefully. Once you have done that, send in your Immrequest to Immortal with the information that it asks you to include, and the staff will review it and get back to you with an answer. To see which empires are open for rule, type help empire-list.
Can I have special powers? The answer to that, is if it is not in your spell list, prayer list, or skill list, then you are unable to do it. -IF-, and this is a very very big
if, you feel that your character absolutely has to be able to do something that is not in the list, then you can send in a request for the approval of that ability via immrequest to RP and they will review it. However, be prepared for a no, and do not, use the ability in RP unless you have approval from RP -before hand- Using the ability without RP councils consent does not help your cause if you want it approved, it will result in an automatic denial of it.
Can I have special weapons or armor? The answer is YES! There are all sorts of ways to gain above average, one of a kind, or extreme types of weapons and armor/clothes for your character. You can quest at any of the quest mistresses/masters in any of the areas that have one in place, and earn a custom token. The custom token can be used to create any weapon, item, gear, pet, that your imagination can think of, as long as it stays within the theme of the mud and follows the rules in the help custom-restring file. But! Customs are not the only way to gain nifty little things, special items that have more mod points than customs have been put into specific areas around the realm. These areas are dangerous, and need a group of people just to survive it, but the items in them are... marvelous! And you can restring most of them to give them a more personalized look for your character. There are also the DT's (Divine Tokens) that you earn by participating in global RP's. With these you can
buy items that have the largest number of mod points in the realm, and it is the only place, where you can find things that will give you immunities. Nifty huh?!
Someone is bothering me and I don't want them to, how do I make them stop? Sadly, sometimes this happens, and if the person insists on continuing after
you've asked them to stop, or if something is happening that you find unacceptable, then type ignore <and the players name> omitting the <> when typing the name. This will prevent you from having to see anything that they say or do. If the problem continues, send a note to ADMIN with a log, and your concerns. You may never know what has been said or done, as we do not announce law issues and how they were resolved, but be assured, it will be dealt with.
Can I give my coins and items to my wife/husband? It's a different alt and not mine! Those who are living together, be it roommates, brothers, sisters, married
couples significant others or their dogs, cats, spiders, etc, are not able to share things other than food, drink, and items that have no, none, zero, nadda stats. Giving him/her/it anything else, is a violation of the rules. If it is tried, sirens will sound, bells will go off, and the staff gets this blinding message to let them know. So please, don't try it, okay? Thanks!
How do I see how many DT's I have? Easy! Type worth and it will pull up the following screen for your character, your's won't look exactly the same of course, but they all have the same template.
-========================= Worth sheet for Sheylynn ========================-
Gold: 14 Silver:44499692 Experience: 526500 (1000 exp to level).
-=========================== Account and Hometown ==========================-
Account name: not set Your home town is: Dragondale
-================================ Condition ================================-
Hunger Status: A little hungry. Drunk Status: Sober.
Thirst Status: A little thirsty. You are not tired at all.
Lives left: 2
-================================ Misc Stats ===============================-
Wimpy status: 0 Panic status: 116 Restrings: 0
Quest points: 698 Divine Tokens: 49
You are a noble with a diplomacy of 50 and have currently 1457133 votes,
Your autovote setting is currently at 1000.
Experience needed per level: 2500 XpTNL: 1000 RPS: 562649 CP: 40
-============================ Guild and Religion ===========================-
Guild: None
Religion: None
-========================== Councils and Security ==========================-
Security: 9 Councils: code law realm rp headclan headrealm headrp admin builder trellantalk pbc headbuilder
-======================== Restrictions and Penalties =======================-
-============================== Miscellaneous ==============================-
You are speaking in drow.
You will be affected by boons.
You will accept kill quests.
You have explored 85158 rooms, which is 107.863% of the existing world.
You'll find the number of DT's that you have under Misc Stats, next to your Quest Points.
Where are the best places to level and how do I get there? As of the time this was written, TG has over 400 areas for folks to mob and rp in. Some are places that are more RP inclined, and only a handful were made for leveling. To see which are the best leveling areas, type help areas this will show you how the areas were set up and organized, then type areas by itself to find the area best suited for you. Areas are also sorted according to the level ranges of the mobs that are in them, not necessarily the level ranges of the players going in, or their safety. Always try to stock up on potions, scrolls, and pills for just about anything you can think of, as many of the leveling areas have aggressive mobs.With the introduction of Trellan's AI code, many of the mobs throughout the realm will autoadjust to your level. All the mobs on Ariandor, Nersa, Azure, Hikaru and Samadnar have been converted over to the AI system so far. Just watch out for those pesky guards! They will protect what you attack and go after you.
How do I buy a house? Homes, homes! A place where you can have privacy and only those who you add to your invite list can enter. A perfectly logical thing to want, and we've provided it for you. There's lots of information on homes in the help housing file, but basically, it's as simple as locating an area that has houses that have been pre-made for folks to buy, selecting one that is available and just walk into an empty home (if you can, if you can't, it's owned already), and type 'home
cost' to see how much it costs, and then 'home buy' to purchase it. If you have a home in an area and no longer want it, you can also type 'home sell' and get your money back from the purchase. If you wish to build your own home, that can be done through the purchase of a house deed via the quest mistress.
How do I build my own house? There is now automatic quest deed redemption in order to get your quest house purchased or expanded, and set up for building. After you buy a deed from the questmaster just type either 'redeem deed new' to make a new house, or 'redeem deed <#>' to expand house number <#> from your 'houses' list. The house will be added to you, you will be added to the build list for the area, the first room will be created for you and all the other little things that go along with new quest houses. Instead of forcing new house owners to learn the entirety of OLC and all the technicalities that go along with it, 'houseedit' is a condensed version specifically written to only show, and only allow, those things that are permissible in quest houses. I have played around in it and find it fairly easy to use. The
commands are all there in the 'commands' list, but there are some that have expanded commands under them. In houseedit, if you type 'exits' or 'objects' you will see the extended commands available under each of those commands. The 'exits' set of commands will allow you to dig, link, and set things for your exits. The 'objects' command is slightly more complicated and comes in two parts, the top commands, which allow you to add, list, delete, create, place and unplace objects, and the bottom commands which allow you to set the fields on your objects much like you would in normal OLC. To make a new object and edit it, type 'object add' then 'object list'
to have the code repopulate your house data, then 'object edit <#>' to edit that object. Thereafter you may type commands like 'obj short a silly little couch'. To add the couch to the room just stand where you want it and type 'obj place <#>' using the number from your 'object list'. No more need for messy vnums and clunky reset code. if you make a mistake, just type 'obj unplace couch' and the couch will be removed from the room and the reset deleted automatically. When you are done editing an object type 'obj done'. When your house is completed, instead of sending an immrequest to have it checked, just type 'requestapproval' from within houseedit and a note will be written to the imms for you, and your house will be flagged as waiting for approval.
Can't I just build my own kingdom and run it? This answer to this, is a big fat...... Maybe! A lot of things factor into it. Is it something that we already have,
the players standing in the mud, are they active, are they kind, do they follow the rules, and so on. If you wish to build your own kingdom and be a ruler of it, then see
help empire-application, read it carefully, and include -everything- that it asks for in your immrequest when you send it to immortal.
Why do rulers have to be approved? To put it very simply, ruling a kingdom, empire, village, is not as easy as it might appear at a glance or from a distance. There is a lot, a whole lot of work involved. There will also be times when there is war, an uprising, and threat to remove rulers from their place of power, just like there would be in the real world. The player that rules, has to have the ability to take it all in stride, and know, that it isn't personal, it's a game of tactic, and has to be the sort, that isn't going to get all bent out of shape, cry foul, and generally make the entire mud miserable should something they don't like happen. That is why they have to be approved before hand. If a player is known to try to go around the rules, then this player would not play fair, and those who follow the rules, are left to suffer miserably, and their online experience just went down the crapper, including those who are simply innocent bystanders who will be forced to listen to all the arguing that will surely be had over it. Those who have a history with LAW, are most likely not going to be approved. Neither will those who are belligerent to the staff or our players, or those who are snide, rude, and constantly putting down the mud. If you wish to rule, then follow the golden rule, you know, that whole, do unto others and all. As well as the rules that have been put into place to make this a fun environment for -everyone- Be active in global RP, if you're a player who sits and says that there is never RP going on, and don't make any efforts to get involved, or come up with your lines or character progression, then it's a pretty safe bet, that you will have a pretty hard time coming up with the line requirement that rulers have in order to keep their kingdoms, and lose it anyway. And remember... Those who have good manners are sexy!
Who are the newbie helpers? Newbie helpers are Staff, Nobles, and players who are here to give support, answers and encouragement when it's needed. If you have questions, you can type question <text> and someone will respond with an answer. If you see a staff member on the who screen, we encourage you to type otell <imms name> <text you wish to send> omitting any of the <> in place of the text. If you'd like to become a newbie helper, send an immrequest to immortal. You can also type wizlist, and anyone that is named on the list and shows when you type who, can help you.
This magic system is confusing help! Yes it is! Even to us sometimes! The magic system here, can be confusing, but there are help files in place that will aid in understanding. help magic help magic-system and help spinfo are good places to start, and follow the links at the bottom of each help file as well, if you're still confused after you've read those, don't be alarmed, the magic system is getting a complete overhaul, and as soon as it is in place, things will be much easier! Until then the question channel is your friend, and don't be shy about asking an Immortal either. We're here to help!
How do I see all the commands I can use? To see all the commands that you have available to you, make sure (if you're a builder) that you are out of any editors first, and then type commands by itself. It will pull up a list of sorted commands for you. To see what each command does, type help <command name> for a list of the most commonly used and nifty commands that players like, type help features. If you're a builder, typing commands in any editor will pull up a list of commands that can be used in that specific editor.
Where do I find the speedwalks? Speed walks are divided up according to continent, moon, or realm, and further divided by levels in each to make things as easy for players to find as possible. To see a list of speedwalks, help speedwalks is a good place to start, then just follow each link at the bottom of the help file to the others. To see how to store a speedwalk, type help storing-speedwalks and to see all the symbols for them, so you can create your own, type help speedwalking.
I love the colors on this! How do I see what colors were used? Once you discover this little secret you will wonder how you ever lived without it! It's wonderful! It's fantastic! It's raw! That's right RAW is the command that you use to see what colors were used to create whatever it is that you're looking at. Raw who will show all the color codes used in the who, raw look, are the color codes used in the room, and on the obj's that you see in the room, plus any mobs and/or players that might be in it when you type look. raw robe will show you all the colors used on the robe that might have taken your fancy, or raw look self will show you all the colors used in your description and the items that you're wearing. If you can see it, you can RAW it. How kewl is that!
How do I see a list of the race/classes and their stats? Typing raceinfo will pull up all the races that we have available, along with their stat modifiers, creation points, and max hitpoint count. Typing classinfo <race> will give a list of the classes available to that race, and the base xp for them to start out with.
What are these relics and shards that I keep hearing about? Relics are weapons that can be bought at any quest master/mistress in the realm. Relic weapons grow as you grow, leveling with you and gaining points that can be distributed onto the relic, adding hit points, mana points, whatever you'd like. Typing help relics will give you a detailed breakdown. Shards are powers, that you can add to your relic. See help relic-shards.
Can I edit my house after it's linked in? If it was a deed that was used to build it, then... Yes! But here's the catch. Once your home is inspected and linked into the realm, you and whoever helped you build it, will be removed from the build list. We like to keep things organized and up to date, and there have been a few in the past
who went through and changed things, after they were fixed or inspected, to be something that would have never passed inspection to begin with. So, if you wish to edit your home after it is finished, and linked in, then it will be temporally unavailable for playing in, until all the edits have been completed, and it has been reinspected. We apologize if this upsets anyone, but, take it out on those who abused our trust and kindness and forced us to put this policy in place. Homes that were pre-built in areas and bought, can not be edited. Send an immrequest to immortal, if you would like to edit your home, and the head builder will unlink it, and set it so that you can make your edits.
I was spammed! Now I have to scroll to read what was said. Oh contraire mon frere! Thanks to our most awesome coder, we have this neat command called replayroom. Simply type replayroom to see anything that has been said over the last, few says and emotes, or type replay to see your tells. Don't you just love it?!
Can I build my own area? There is currently a freeze on building new areas.
Can I edit my area after it's linked in? Let's see.. yes, yes, and.. Yes! We encourage areas being updated, enlarged, parts destroyed and what not, for the sake of story evolution, progression, to show changes, battles, you name it. During the time the area is being edited, it will be flagged OLC and made unplayable. In the case of areas that are heavily traveled to by players, the builder will have seven days to complete the editing, or the head builder will go in, look at it, and determine if the area can be un-flagged, and just keep the parts being worked on flagged to not allow players within it until complete. A builder has a time period of only thirty days, to complete any edits, so be sure that you can complete them in that time frame before you begin. To request editing your area send an immrequest to immortal with the areas name and area number, along with the brief explanation of edits that you wish to make.
Can I include a personal room/home for my character in my area? Some of our players in the past considered this a cheat to getting around having to earn a house deed, and thought it was favoritism to allow someone to do this, so for this reason, a player can not build their personal home in the area they are working on. They can have an office, a study, or something along those lines, but the room must be left open for anyone to walk into and no owner or invites can be set up on it. My suggestion, include a housing district, with all the homes being the same, and purchase one for yourself.
How do I make the objs and mobs talk or interact with players? This, is a tricky, tricky thing, if you are unfamilar with mprogs or oprogs. Mprogs are what are written and placed on mobs to have them react, ignore, give, take something from another player, or move them from one place to another. oprogs can display neat messages whenever a person wields the item, or wears it. If it can be coded into an mprog, the mob or obj can do it, given the right flags are available and used. The tricky part, is that a mistake in the coding of the mprog, can and often will disable the mprog and make it unusable, or worse, cause repeated crashes in the mud. If you do not
know how to code, or write mprogs, the best way to learn is to ask someone who is handy with the little buggers to show you. If you're a little rusty, and need refreshed, see help mprog, help ifhelp, help if_checks, and follow any links at the bottom of each help file that are needed. Also, if you're scared to do mprogs or just do not wish to mess with them you can use the mobemotes or the mobsays in the medit menu. Type help mobsay to learn more.
Why can't I do that, I sent in a request! This is something that occurs more frequently than people realize and is something that the staff has run utterly, totally, and completely out of patience with. Sending in an immrequest, is not the same as having RP approval for something that you wish your character to be able to do, or for
the concept that you wish to have for it. The same holds true for anyone who attempts to do anything that might remotely hint at breaking the rules, or making it appear as if favoritism is being played. No one person on this mud is any better than anyone else, no one person is above the rules. If you do not have RP Councils approval to do something out of the norm, then it can not be done. Period. Any argument on this, will result in your character being nuked. Problem solved.
I want to be an IMM too! How do I become one? Our staff is chosen from the player base, and we have a pecking order that we go by. Namely, when the time comes to choose another staff member, we look at the Helpers first. Why? Because they already had to pass a screening process by staff to get there, which means, they are most likely people who do not have a history with LAW, like the mud, are kind to the players, helpful to newbies, are firm without being hateful or mean, and very respectful on the whole. We -love- this type of person on our staff, and we will covet them greatly! They're a perfect starting point. If no Helpers are available, or chosen for whatever reason, then we look to our rulers. These folks have also had to go through a screening process. We will then look at our players. So, if it is your desire to be an IMM, then it's a process by which the position is earned, through your own want for the mud to succeed.
There's a typo in this room desc/obj/mob, fix it! Announcing a typo, bug, error, or disgruntlement with a quest issue, over OOC, is not going to get it fixed right then, and more often than not, the members of staff who take care of those issues, may not even be on to see it. So we have these little things to report issues with, type help bug, and help typo to learn more. If it's a serious issue, send a copy of the log to Code, and staff will see to the issue as soon as they are able.
There's a bug here, can I abuse it? How very naughty of you! Before you even think about abusing a bug, please read help bug-glitch-abuse and type help bug to learn how to report it.
But the rules don't specifically state... We uphold the spirit of the rule/law, rather than the exact wording. You're here, you can read and write, if you're smart enough to try to pick at a rule to get around it, then you're smart enough to understand the spirit of it. If you are told to stop, stop. If you are told no, no. By logging in and playing,
you agree to play by our rules. Our mud, our rules. If you don't like them, you are free to leave, and find another place to play. No one is forcing you to stay. There is a zero tolerance on this, and if you attempt to push it, you will be jailed, or nuked, or banned. End of discussion. Keep to the spirit of it, and you'll do fine. When in doubt, ask before you do it, or, don't do it.
What is a custom token? A custom token is a token that can be exchanged for personalized gear, weapons, clothing, armor, or pets. Please see help custom-restring for more.
How do I get out of the newbie school? Well, if you're not up for going through it, and think that you're ready to advance into the big scary world that is Tirradyn, then you can leave by recalling. This will put you into the square of Dragondale, which is the neutral empire in the realm and harbors no ill will toward most anyone. You're, somewhat, safe there, save a pickpocket, or surely warrior, or even a feisty mage may be resting there as well. There you can look at a sign, that displays a map of the city if you ever lose the one you received at creation. From the square, if you go up and either east or west, you go into the training rooms. Here you can train your stats, gain skills or realms or spheres, practice the same. If you go north, rather than east or west, you will enter into the coliseum. This is the best place to start mobbing, and
the chance of death is much slimmer than anywhere else, at least until you're between the levels of 5 and 10.
Why was <insert player name> jailed/banned? That is something that you should be asking the player, not staff, if you really wish to pry into their personal business. Staff's policy is not to spread gossip, or inform everyone of everyone else's business. Now, the version you may get may be a version of a partial truth, but honestly, it's
not anyone's concern other than the parties specifically involved. Our wish, is that we maintain an environment for everyone to have fun in. Where they can be challenged and entertained, or entertain themselves via productive means. There's no room for drama here, unless it's in a storyline.
How do I turn OOC off? To turn any channel off, simply type the channel name by itself. No off after is needed. Type help -channels to see all the channels and their uses available to players.
How do I turn off logins? Typing info login will turn off the announcement that displays when players log in or out. Typing info level turns off the announcements that show when people level. Typing them again turns them back on. Typing info by itself, shows you what you have turned on or off, and the syntax of the command.
Is there a way to turn hints off? Yes! type hints off To turn it on, type, hints on That's it!
Can I have someone help me build my house/area? Certainly! Though keep in mind that anything that should not be in your house, or any errors, fall on your shoulders alone and will need to be fixed. So it's up to you to keep your helper honest. Just send an immrequest to immortal (or the head builder) and they will be given access to your home or area.
Can me & <insert name> combine our quest points to get a house deed? Sorry, but the answer to this is no. No sharing or combining of quest points. It causes way too much drama if people get angsty with each other, so it's just been made policy. Please do not assure us that this will never happen to you, we've heard it all before. Make love! Not war!
Can more than one person own a house? We've tried this, many times, and sadly, sometimes we get pulled into drama because of it. So, when it comes to house deeds, no ten vnum homes can be co-owned, the person that earned the deed and gave it to the imm, is the person that will be put on the home as the owner. In the case of 20 vnum homes, up to two can own the home, and it will be divided equally should something happen. Placing a person on an invite list, will allow them to enter and exit as they please, and the ownership should not matter.
I don't like this area/command/effect, it needs to change! If you wish to see something changed, or have an idea on how to improve it, sen it via a note to Immortal. Do not, put down the code, we love our coder, we will get angry at you for this. Do not put down the mud, we love our players, our builders, and our staff, we will get angry with you, or worse, ban you. Good manners is good manners, and you don't walk into a place, thinking that all are there to serve you and bow down to your every whim. There is a reason for everything that is put into place, if you find them so bad, that you wish to see everything change, and do nothing but rant about the code, the areas, the staff and it's players, then perhaps this is not the place for you.
I just bought a house, but wasn't given a key to it, how come? With the owner room flag, keys have become obsolete. They were also a pain to try to recover, if a player vanished and their home was resold, they were able to walk in and out of the house, much to the new owners dismay. Plus, it allows builders to use the object vnums that would have been used for house keys, for other things, like furniture, weapon, armor, potions etc. Once an owner has been set on the room, they can add or remove people from their invite list. Any who is on the invite list can enter, those who are not, cant. There is no need for an owner to be set in every room of the home, this can be extremely mundane and tedious for someone who has to stop rping, enter room, add person to invite, exit room, lead person into the room, and so on, so only rooms where there is an exit onto the main realm will have an owner set on them.
How do I add or remove someone from my invite list? To add, or remove, the same command is used, invite <insert player name here>
How do I turn on/off the extend colors? To enable the extended colors that are very frequently used all over the mud, type color mode html To return to normal settings, type color mode ansi
How do I un-ignore someone? Typing ignore <players name> will both, add, and remove them from your ignore list.